Certified TOLPAKAN Healing Method Practitioner Badge

Cynthia Okroj



Hi, My name is Cindy Okroj. I am the RADIANT LIFE Sensei, helping parents and families release stressors, rebalance relationships and rejuvenate health to regain harmony and joy in their lives. I am passionate about helping you love yourself and radiantly BE the gift you truly are to the world.

About Me...

I am “Cindy” Okroj, a certified energy healing practitioner and intuitive. I’m on a mission to help you reclaim your BALANCE and HARMONY so you can realize how rich you are in capacity, strength and resources for healing to feel revitalized and better than ever.

Healing has been my passion throughout my life. I began as a nurse and retired after 40 years of international work. When I was young, my father developed an interest in fasting and raw food. I saw the power of the body to heal naturally in his journey and a summer experience at a ‘fasting center”.

Twenty six years ago I met my Reiki Master Teacher who exuded LOVE and felt “I want more of that in my life!” This began my journey on an energy healing path, to include Reiki, NAET, Emotion Code, Body Code, Sacred Soul Alignment, Energetic Allergy Healing, and now TOLPAKAN™ Healing.

I am passionate about helping you transform your life, to love yourself and radiantly BE the gift you truly are to the world.

I saw Dr. Karen Kan, founder of the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method, on stage at a Body Code Seminar in 2013 and followed her for years since.

In 2021 I felt called to study TOLPAKAN™ Healing for myself. Experiencing the power and light speed of this work, I knew I wanted to become certified and to offer this wonderful quantum healing experience to my clients.

Now, I am thrilled to be a Certified Practitioner of TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method, and share this with you! I’m like a Goddess of the (Full) Moon guiding you through the tides of your life and shining Light on the way home so you can simply be who you are and stop trying to be who you think you are expected to be.


Certified TOLPAKAN Healing Method Practitioner Badge

TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method Certified Practitioner

The Emotion Code® Certified Practitioner

The Body Code® Certified Practitioner

The Belief Code® Certified Practitioner

Sacred Soul Alignment Certified Practitioner

NAET Certified Practitioner

Certified Human Design Specialist

How I help...

We will work together to address your issues, needs, goals, and desires. We will tap into Source to ask what needs to be healed and released so you feel unburdened to move forward in your life with enhanced self-awareness, self-worth and self-love. I help with issues of:

Low Self-Esteem

Strained Relationships

Feelimg Unworthy

Health Challenges

Working with me...



I look forward to meeting you and sharing this amazing work! A Discovery Session is an opportunity for us to meet and learn if we would like to work together. It is your opportunity to share your issues/needs/goals/desires that you are looking to get rid of or reclaim in your life. We will do a mini-reading (about 3-5 minutes) and look at what moving forward together will look like.



My typical session is 50 minutes.  I have shorter 25 minute sessions available for focused issues. Sessions are provided over distance by Zoom, phone or by email. I will come to the session grounded and centered to be fully present to listen to you and work with you in a heart-centered manner. We will begin by clarifying your healing intentions for the session, and I invite you to share recent ‘wins’ and shifts since the last session. I will connect us to Source with a prayer and stillness so we can tap into intuitive awareness of the highest and best focus for the healing session. We will ask powerful Questions to dive deep and discover the root of an issue needing healing.



About 5-8 minutes before the end of the session, I will check in with you for any questions, and how you are doing, so we can address these immediately. We will discuss any self-care recommendations to optimize healing results and close with a final prayer to ground the energy.

“My estranged son contacted me last week and is willing to talk!”

“I feel so much better and more aligned and more balanced. Thank you thank you thank you!!! This was really life-changing for me, giving me my super positivity back. Every day smiling and feeling happy inside.”

“Each time we have a session I feel Oh Wow, because there is such an incredible shift as early as the next day! I wanted to tell you as well, today I was guided to find very important info and breakthrough for my case that I didn’t see before. As usual amazing things happen after sessions with you. Thank you, Cindy”

Certified TOLPAKAN Healing Method Practitioner Badge

Fun Facts About Me!