Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan
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May 10th, 2024 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Letting Go of Attachment to Form | Dr. Karen Kan

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Letting Go of Attachment to Form

My mom often complained that I was a stubborn, inflexible child, blaming the baby book by Dr. Benjamin Spock.

Any change in itinerary was met with fear and frustration, and any deviation from plans or routines would send me into a spiral of fear and frustration.

However, recently, I received a surprising compliment from one of my close friends: “Dr. Karen is so laid-back.” This compliment caught me off guard because being laid-back isn’t a trait I’m typically known for.

But much has changed within me.

I no longer cling to “what should be” with desperation. I’ve realized that my attachment to form was based on fear. I’ve come a long way in relinquishing fear and replacing it with trust.

Join this week’s TOLPAKAN Healing Activation to help you do the same!

Light Warrior Radio

Programming Water with Intention | Michael Hobson

Join us for an enlightening journey into the fascinating world of water memory and its probable impact on health and well-being!

Discover the incredible ability of water to store and transmit information, influenced by both external frequencies and human consciousness. From Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work with water crystals to Veda Austin’s crystallographic studies, we’ll explore how water responds to intention and thought.

Tune in to Light Warrior Radio on Monday, May 13th at 12 Noon Eastern for a guest interview with mathematician, econometrics professor, and water expert, Michael Hobson as we delve into captivating topics:

💦 Link between water memory, consciousness, & interconnectedness of life
💭 How emotions & thoughts affect water structure
☠️ Lingering frequencies of toxins in water after physical removal
🪬 How water interprets emotions, feelings, & consciousness
🌎 The creation of water by the Earth’s crust & our bodies
💧 The role of Exclusion Zone (EZ) structured water in our bodies
🔬 Future research directions & potential breakthroughs in harnessing water’s power for holistic well-being


New Stuff

Cool Stuff

I hope you have enjoyed all of the fascinating expert interviews on the Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: Ticks, Toxins & Mold Telesummit!

I am thrilled to announce that my interview will air for 24-hours beginning on Sunday, May 12th at 10AM Eastern! We will be delving into Restoring Your 7 Boundaries for 360-Degree Wholeness! Join in as we discuss:

🩺 Non-Physical Boundaries & how they impact health
⚠️ Why Sensitive Souls are susceptible to Autoimmune issues
🔮 An easy way to assess the sovereignty of your boundaries
💫 The STOIM process to access the Auto-Healing State
⚡ Energy Healing to restore sovereignty to your boundaries
🦄 And so much more!

Ever wonder how I grew up?

You’ll get to find out in this detailed Soul Stories interview with my good friend Lisa Warner! You’ll find out all sorts of stuff most people don’t know about me!

Early Bird Savings are still in effect for the 2024 Light Warrior Training Camp: Superpower Intensive!

Save $2,000 UNTIL May 31st
for a week of


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