Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan
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May 31st, 2024 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Reality Change | Dr. Karen Kan

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Reality Change

I just found out that a close friend is shutting down his business.

Although unfavorable circumstances seem to drive his decision, another perspective might exist.

Maybe working 80+ hours a week for so long is no longer serving him, and he’s being guided in a new direction for his growth.

We can’t be sure, but Reality Change is about choosing a perspective that empowers and serves you.

Receive this week’s TOLPAKAN Healing Activation to help you do just that!

Light Warrior Radio

Flex Your PSOAS & Discover Your Soul Muscle

Your PSOAS is not merely a muscle. It is the primal messenger from the core of your being. This bio-intelligent tissue expresses your integrity on every level and may be perceived as the guardian of the Hara, commonly referred to as the moving center. Located deep within your core, your psoas is a source of inner power.

Join us Monday, June 3rd at 12 Noon Eastern for an nterview with the author of The Psoas Book, Liz Koch, as she helps us to rediscover our own Psoas!

New Stuff

Cool Stuff

Why do you “have” to pay income taxes?

It’s because you’re earning income as a legal fiction in the public instead of getting compensated as a man or woman in the private.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll journey with me as I delve into my learnings of the Knowlege Share, getting 1:1 mentorship from Sovereign’s Way teacher, john little.

Interested to learn more? Join me each week as I update you on my progress by becoming a member of the Health Freedom Tribe by clicking below!

Join Dr. Karen at the 64th Annual Conference of The American Society of Dowsers for the Healing Faster than the Speed of Light Live Workshop!

Dive into Light Medicine to banish negative energies & harness the Zero Point field, while mastering dowsing techniques to correct ascension-related phenomena.

Don’t miss this hands-on experience to elevate your energy, optimize manifestation, & transform your life!

Early Bird Savings for the 2024 Light Warrior Training Camp in Lake Placid, NY, ENDS on June 3rd at 11:59 PM Eastern!


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