Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan
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April 26th, 2024 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Dream Shift | Dr. Karen Kan

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Dream Shift

Few people dare to dream because they are afraid of failure. Some are afraid of having their dream and what others might say. Yet others find that what was once a dream is no longer a dream. What gives?

If you’ve timeline-jumped to a reality aligned with your vision of Heaven on Earth (HonE), you might have experienced a significant change in your priorities. Should you give up on your dreams or persist in pursuing them?

Tune in to this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest to engage in this discussion and share your thoughts! Additionally, this week’s TOLPAKAN Healing Activation focuses on aligning your energies with both your Soul and Human desires, empowering you to manifest your chosen experiences. 🌟

Light Warrior Radio

Do you want to order shoes online that fit the first time? Find that perfect parking spot? Or maybe even “play” the stock market successfully? Then, it’s time to start flexing your very own intuitive muscle! 

Did you know that every day offers endless opportunities to notice how our Higher Self is, absolutely, positively tripping over itself to get you to pay attention to the messages it sends? 

Did you know that it doesn’t have to be hard work? All it takes is learning to tap into your own Perceptivity, your intuitive ability, the ability you were born with and can learn to apply whenever and wherever you want at will.

Heidi Connolly’s new book, Psychic Games in Playing With Your Higher Self, invites you to stop, reflect, consider, question, feel, sense, and listen, and do it all in the form of play. Games like “Color Crush,” “The Psychic Stock Broker,” “Clue’d In,” and more send you off on a journey of positive exploration through the highest frequencies of play! 

Available on major podcast platforms & YouTube on Monday, April 29th, at 12 Noon Eastern, tune in to this lively and fun show, where you’ll learn about…

⏳ Plorking – what we can be doing all the time!
🚥 “Right, Left, Center” way of getting from A to B in a car
⚡ What it means to be in the energy of “fun”
🧩 Simple, safe, & playful ways to engage your intuition with games

New Stuff

Cool Stuff

In a world where chronic illness persists as a pervasive challenge, its complexity often eludes conventional medicalapproaches. The intricate web of contributing factors goes beyond the specialized lens of traditional practitioners, leaving patients frustrated, sick, and seeking answers.

It’s time to put chronic illness behind you!

Join us to embark on an educational exploration of complex chronic illness and embrace a new path to health.

Enjoy learning from Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: Ticks, Toxins & Mold from May 6-12, 2024. It’s free and online!

Psst! My interview, Restoring Your 7 Boundaries for 360-Degree Wholeness will be available for 24-hours starting on Sunday, May 12th, at 10:00 AM Eastern!

Now LIVE in the Light Medicine Community’s Holistic Health RoadmapDeep Dive into Advanced Dowsing for Health – a 90-Minute Workshop + Q & A Replay that unveils the secrets of advanced questioning techniques for profound healing. You’ll learn the Vital Qi Assessment for optimizing your life force, the Inner Child Flip Protocol (from TKH-1) to swiftly transform inner obstacles, & the Mini-Sleep Realms Assessment for enhanced sleep & astral realm balance.

Not an LMC Member? Join for FREE here!

The HFT Community welcomes Special Guest, Trisha Schmalhofer, LIVE on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024, at 12 Noon Eastern to explore a favorite topic – fascia!! As far a spiritual organs go, fascia is the key to almost everything!
Trisha will share her perspectives on how the fascia is the interface for accessing our Akashic Records. You’ve probably heard coaches and healers quip, “You have everything you need inside of you.” I thought this was spiritual, mental, and energetic, but now I realize it includes the physical fascia, which connects everything to everything inside your body… and “beyond”! 

Become a Member of Health Freedom Tribe to attend this Special Guest Event!

Elevate Your Wellness: Join the Exclusive Patch Training Team Zoom Event on Monday, April 29th at 2PM Eastern!

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