Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan
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May 3rd, 2024 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Private, Public, Peace | Dr. Karen Kan

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Private, Public, Peace

The saying refers to money being the driving force behind most of our decisions and actions. Perhaps we deny it. Perhaps we embrace it. Regardless, we can’t (afford to, pun intended) stay asleep any longer. 

I have been studying The Sovereign’s Way and beyond the notion that by fully healing our childhood traumas, we will be free to be who we choose to be, not fearing anyone or anything, I’m amazed at my ignorance of law versus legal. I have inadvertently bought into systems tightening the noose on small businesses and the “little people.” 

This week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest is all about this topic as well as a TOLPAKAN Healing Activation you can experience to clear whatever is in the way of you seeing clearly and being willing to take a Divine path that is out of the ordinary!

Light Warrior Radio

The Five Primary Energy Leaks with Sita Severson

Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels, and you aren’t sure why? Do you ever feel like you are doing everything “right” yet you’re still experiencing gaps in your life? How much of your soul energy do you feel you embodying? 

These are important questions to ask as we move into the future. Collectively, we have mastered the teachings of the mental realm, and now it’s time to embark on the journey of becoming energy literate in ways that will truly empower us. 

One of the first things we all need to learn about is the places in our lives where we are leaking our energy, leaving less energy for the co-creations we want to experience. 

The upcoming episode of Light Warrior Radio was previously aired and features energy expert and catalyst Sita Severson (formerly known as Katy Bray). We will dive deep into learning about energy leaks, energy literacy, and embodying your soul energy. 

Tune in on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 12 Noon Eastern to learn about:
⚡ Primary energy leaks & what you can do about it
💭 Insight on what will help you evolve in the most powerful way
🩷 Using energy to co-create your true desires with your potent soul energy

New Stuff

Cool Stuff

Psst! My interview, Restoring Your 7 Boundaries for 360-Degree Wholeness will be available for 24-hours starting on Sunday, May 12th, at 10:00 AM Eastern!

Early Bird Savings are still in effect for the 2024 Light Warrior Training Camp: Superpower Intensive!

Save $2,000 UNTIL May 31st
for a week of


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