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August 23rd, 2024 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Higher Harmonics of Water | Dr. Karen Kan - Academy of Light Medicine

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Higher Harmonics of Water

Have you seen the movie *What the Bleep Do We Know?*

It’s a spiritual classic that explores how water responds to our emotions. The idea is that when we experience positive emotions, water forms beautiful crystals, while negative emotions cause these crystals to disappear.

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about why we would want to drink “crystal” water, why we can’t simply command all the water in our bodies to resonate at a specific frequency, and how structured crystalline water might enhance our health.

Check out this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest for an example of how to charge your water using Ascension 3 jewelry!

Light Warrior Radio

The question “Where are the men?” is resonating across the globe as both men and women call for the reawakening of the Divine Masculine. In a time when many strong women have stepped into traditionally masculine roles to protect their families, we must ask—are we moving backward in our evolution?

Join me this Monday, August 26th, at 12 Noon Eastern for a powerful episode with my couples coach, Brian Piergrossi.

In this episode, we discuss:

🔍 Discover your essence: masculine, feminine, or balanced
✊ Upsides & downsides of the feminist movement
🚶‍♂️Why emasculated men are on the rise
💼🏠 Impact on women juggling work & home, leading to burnout
🛡️ Should women learn to protect themselves, or let men take the role?

New Stuff

Cool Stuff

Modern medicine treats the body like a machine, but what if you could unlock your body’s ability to heal itself?

I didn’t learn this in medical school, but through the incredible world of quantum physics and energetic blueprints, I’ve discovered how our bodies can heal naturally from within!

Join me LIVE on 9/3 at 2 PM EDT for the Healing Faster Than the Speed of Light Workshop. We’ll dive into the quantum realm, explore the TOLPAKAN Healing Master Blueprint, and guide you through powerful experiences to:

✨ Connect with Your Inner Wisdom
🔮 Erase Low-Vibes & Download High Ones
✨ Transmute Toxic Energies
🔮 Achieve Auto-Healing

💰Donation-based registration starts at just $1.00!
🎥 5-Day Replay & Workbook Included!

Exciting News from the Academy of Light Medicine™ 🌟 Unlock the Power of Self-Healing through Energy-Infused Elegance! We are thrilled to announce the upcoming *Exclusive Autumn Launch* of Energy-Infused Healing Tools at begins on Monday, September 2nd, at 11 AM Eastern, for one week only!

You’ll have the unique opportunity to adorn yourself with more than just jewelry. Each piece is infused to elevate your energy, align your chakras, and assist in your personal ascension journey!

Join the Light Medicine Community™

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