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January 17th, 2025 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Wisdom and Age | Dr. Karen Kan - Academy of Light Medicine

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Does Wisdom Truly Come with Age?

This week in the Spiritual Medicine Digest, I’m diving into a widely held belief: the idea that wisdom directly correlates with age. Have you ever been told by a parent or elder, “I’ve been alive longer, so I know better”? I’ve had my fair share of those moments, and a recent interaction with my mom sparked some deep reflections.
While it’s easy to assume that more years on the planet bring more wisdom, is this really true? My personal experiences and observations suggest otherwise. I’ve met children with incredible wisdom—far beyond what their years would suggest. So why do we cling to this belief? Could it be holding us back from exploring and trusting our own inner knowing?

In this week’s video, we’ll examine the ties between age, wisdom, and belief systems. You’ll also receive a TOLPAKAN™ Healing Activation to help you tap into your personal wisdom and release any limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Watch to learn more and share your thoughts!

Light Warrior Radio

Discover the incredible power of self-healing in this previously-aired episode of Light Warrior Radio. 🌿 More than 20 years ago, Maura Leon S. faced an “incurable” diagnosis and a treatment plan she couldn’t accept. Instead of following the conventional path, Maura chose to trust her body’s innate wisdom and embrace alternative healing. Against all odds, she reversed her condition naturally.

🦋 Maura’s inspiring journey of Self-Healing
🧿 How Maura overcame fear & trusted her body’s abilities 
🔮 Tools & insights to support your own healing journey
🕊️ The importance of releasing fear & cultivating inner peace

 Immerse yourself in Maura’s captivating journey to discover the power of Light Medicine and the ‘Art of Self-Healing’ in this week’s riveting episode of Light Warrior Radio!

For a more profound exploration of Maura’s experiences, delve into the book the INside effects — on Amazon. Uncover the secrets to a healthier, more enlightened you today!

New Stuff

Cool Stuff

The community gathers on the 2nd Tuesday every month to receive FREE Energy Healing using the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method Modality. During the LIVE Event & dependent on current events & energies, guests may experience:

Group Healings • Group Activations • Individual Spotlight Readings •  Individual Mini-Healings• Downloads for Sensitive Soul Support

 TUESDAY, JANUARY 21st – 11:00 AM EST 
*click here to find your timezone*


 We’re excited to share the official trailer for the upcoming TV Series — Navigating the Clickety-Clack 🌟

This transformational series features an incredible lineup of experts, including Dr. Karen Kan, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, & Marie Diamond — all who share profound wisdom, inspiration, & practical insights to help navigate life’s challenges with clarity & purpose


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