In this previously-aired episode, we revisit a fascinating conversation about the Human Assemblage Point (AP), a vital energy vortex running through the center of the body where vibrations radiate to form our aura or electromagnetic field. When the AP is in its optimal position, our energy flows harmoniously, creating balance and well-being. But when it shifts out of alignment, it can lead to significant health issues and disrupt our connection to the world around us.
This topic has come up frequently in recent energy healings, prompting me to bring on one of my trusted colleagues, Tyhson Banighen, to provide clarity and insight.
Together, we address key questions such as:
🧿 Where is the Assemblage Point & why does it shift?
🧿 Is there scientific evidence for its existence & discovery?
🧿 Is the Assemblage Point the same as the Soul Seat?
🧿 What are the signs of misalignment?
🧿 How does AP Alignment impact other energy systems?
🧿 How can the Assemblage Point be assessed & corrected?
🧿 Is there scientific evidence for its existence & discovery?
🧿 Is the Assemblage Point the same as the Soul Seat?
🧿 What are the signs of misalignment?
🧿 How does AP Alignment impact other energy systems?
🧿 How can the Assemblage Point be assessed & corrected?
Tyhson Banighen, a Master Inner Game Coach and an “Energy Detective,” shares his expertise in helping individuals clear blocks to health, wealth, and enlightenment.
Join us for this enlightening discussion, packed with practical insights and answers to common questions about the Assemblage Point.
To learn more about Tyhson and his work, visit
Listen to the Episode!