Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan
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July 14th, 2024 | Spiritual Medicine Digest: Expanding Octaves | Dr. Karen Kan

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Expanding Octaves

Are you on edge this week? Has your usual calm demeanor vanished?

If so, you’re not alone. We’re expanding our octaves and reconnecting to our higher chakras, which can be quite uncomfortable!

Tune in to this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest to learn more and experience the TOLPAKAN Healing Activation. This session will help rebalance your resonant energy field after this latest expansion! 🌟

Light Warrior Radio

Play Video

Do germs cause disease? If not, then why can giving antibiotics can save a life?

Watch this controversial Light Warrior Radio interview with Dr. William Trebing, entitled Germ Theory and Other Oppressive Myths to learn more about:

🦠 How we possibly manufacture organisms we call “germs” inside our bodies
🌡️ Theories on what we actually “spread” to others when we have symptoms of sickness
☢️ How sickness may be more connected to toxins in our environment than anything else

Practical, useful, and entertaining listen to this enlightening podcast episode below or click the button below to watch!

New Stuff

Cool Stuff

Join Tammy Mastroberte, author of the best-selling book The Universe is Talking to You, for a 90-minute Masterclass, Unlock the Secrets of the Pendulum, on Wednesday, July 31st, at 6PM EDT.

This happens only once a year, so make sure you sign up….the first 50 registrations (once ticket sales begin on 7/16) will receive a FREE Amethyst Pendulum!


It’s finally here… the INside effects: How the Body Heals Itself (Volume 2), movie companion! Check out the dignitaries who are coauthoring this book. It is bound to be a smashing bestseller (again!).

Join the Live Online Book Launch Party to meet the authors, the publisher, and learn how a book becomes a bestseller! 🎉🪩 Join the party on Thursday, July 25th from 7-9:30PM EDT.

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