But guess what, most of us are at varying degrees of wakefulness and the trauma of knowing the full Truth of how things really are in our non-ideal realities will likely affect both the sleepy and the partially awake.
What can we do to lessen the traumatic effects no matter where we are in wakefulness? During this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest, I have some suggestions and TOLPAKAN Healing Activations for you this week!
Light Warrior Radio
- Monday, January 24th at 12pm Noon EST: In November 2021, I went to visit my brilliantly-smart friend, Ken Rohla, (you know, the guy that makes the “weather magic machine”, and saw firsthand how he is growing his own food, charging his water, and living an extremely healthy Wi-Fi-free existence in Florida. He and his wife prepared an incredibly nutrient-dense vegetarian meal for me and my husband and we loved every second of our visit! (If I had the time and wherewithal to make dishes like that, I’d likely be more vegetarian!)You could tell by the energy of the home, water, air, and plants, that this is how we humans are meant to live – in harmony with our environment. Ken’s outdoor garden was growing like wildfire using ORMUS. I didn’t know much about ORMUS so Ken explained how it is made, its incredible properties, and the fantastical nature of monatomic minerals. And then he told me how ORMUS can support our self-healing!
Did you know that monoatomic gold is a metal that can hold its form through different dimensions? Did you know that if you take toxic metals like mercury and lead and break them down into their monoatomic counterparts that they become healing elements?
Mind blown!
What happens when you swirl minerals in a magnetic field? You get healing ORMUS!
Join me and Ken on Monday’s LIVE Light Warrior Radio at 12 noon eastern show as we delve deep into the healing benefits of ORMUS. You don’t want to miss this one!
Ken Rohla is a natural health educator, researcher, & inventor from New Smyrna Beach, FL. He offers cutting-edge products and services for regaining and optimizing health naturally using ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science. Contact Ken Rohla at: www.FreshandAlive.com
PS. Here are some of the products I have from Ken that are conditioning my home and making my indoor plants grow! And here is something that protects me from 5G…

Cool Stuff/New Stuff
- Ascension 3 January Launch 1/24-1/31/2022 11:00 AM EST: We have lots of new & popular items available! As mentioned in this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest Video, there has recently been an upgrade. All Ascension 3 pieces ever created will have this recent energetic upgrade (past, present, future!) so be creative with your self-healing orders!
Want to be notified first when the A3 Shop is open? Subscribe to the A3 e-mail list by clicking below and submitting your e-mail address!

- Healthy Habits Healthy Life Video Series: In this series of weekly videos, I’ll be sharing my personal wellness habits (because many people have asked) including how I stay as healthy despite my busy schedule. Over the course of this year, I’ll talk about water, supplements, body movements, blue light, sleep habits, & more! Check it out & subscribe to my YouTube channel!

- Health Freedom Tribe: I know you haven’t heard much about the Health Freedom Tribe lately as we are still working out the technical aspects of the community we wish to create.
Here’s the good news update!
We will soon be migrating the entire Academy of Light Medicine school & programs into a new platform – including the Light Medicine™ Community & Health Freedom Tribe! The communities will be linked via an exciting platform new platform called Circle, which means no more multiple log-in’s and passwords! The ability to access courses and community will be streamlined as much as possible.
It’s taking a monumental effort to get this done, but we think you’ll be extremely happy about the changes in the near future!
Stay tuned…
- Recent Podcast Interviews with some fantastic hosts:
- All Things with Lane & Lani: Where we discussed how “positive thinking” isn’t nearly as effective in manifestation as something else that you can implement right away!
- The Roller Coaster Podcast: I shared the importance of BE-ing over DO-ing. As simple as it sounds, it’s not “easy” for most. But if you want the greatest impact in your life, start BE-ing!
Upcoming Events
- Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body, & Soul Summit: My “Autoimmune Healing Secrets for Sensitive Souls” will be airing LIVE on Tuesday, February 1st at 1:00 PM EST. I’ll be sharing the six different types of autoimmunity and how to resolve them.

- Love Light Radio with host Dr. Jean Marie Farish: “How to Have Harmony in Relationships” will air Friday, January 28th at 12:00 PM EST. In today’s world, people are more polarized than ever before. Whether it be politics, health policies, race, gender, or religion, almost everyone has an “opinion”. But what if you and your loved ones have strong opposing opinions? Is it possible to live in harmony even if values are different from one another’s? Or does one person have to be “right” and the other wrong” in order to get along? Most people do not know there is another way.
Questions? Comments? Call In Live! Toll Free: 1-888-346-9141 Int’l: 001-480-553-5760