Thousands of books and papers have already been written on Atlantis since its reality was first disclosed by the great philosopher Plato, some two and a half millennia ago. Hence, one may well wonder whether a new theory on the subject is really needed. Can anything new actually be said about Atlantis? The answer is a most categorical yes. After all, the riddle of Atlantis has never been satisfactorily solved so far. Our theory is an attempt by a reputed scientist (the late Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos, Ph.D.), to scientifically compare and refute, perhaps for the first time ever, the various existing theories on Atlantis’ location and reality.
Prof. Santos marries the most recent results and techniques of Modern Science to the sacred and folklore of all the peoples of the world, knitting humanity together in a solution to the riddle of Atlantis that neatly ties together the vast scientific and traditional evidence which was always there but never before seen by other researchers. Whether you are a scientist with an open mind or a layperson, you will be led to conclude that Plato could well have been telling the truth, after all, since the information provided by the great philosopher is so uncannily confirmed by the recent scientific finds of all sorts.
During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I interview Frank Joseph Hoff, an understudy to the late Professor Arysio Santos along with Prof. Santos’ Grandson, Phillip Santos about his amazing book Atlantis – The Lost Continent Finally Found.
Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos was a Nuclear Physicist with a Ph. D. in Nuclear Physics and a Free-Docency in Physical-Chemistry. In the course of his protracted professional career as a scientist, Prof. Santos also worked as a geologist and climatologist, disciplines he came to master, making substantial contributions to Ice Age Theory, particularly in what concerns Catastrophism and the reality of the Flood, the cataclysm which ultimately led to the demise of Atlantis-Eden.
Prof. Arysio Nunes Santos also wrote several other books and articles on Science and Engineering, as well as on arcane subjects such as Symbolism, Alchemy, the Holy Grail, Comparative Mythology and Religion, etc… Pursuing these studies with a multi-disciplinary approach based on both the Exact and the Human Sciences, as well as the more traditional disciplines, the author finally managed to discover Atlantis’ true location; to prove its identity with Eden and the other traditional Paradises, and to reconstruct in detail the secret history of the Lost Continent described by Plato and several other ancient sages.
A gifted amateur linguist, Prof. Arysio Nunes Santos masters several tongues, including Greek, Latin, Sanskrit and Dravida, which are essential for the understanding of the ancient myths on Paradise and its destruction by the Universal Flood. This knowledge has enabled him to decipher Etruscan and Pelasgian, the languages of the predecessors of the Greeks and the Romans in the Mediterranean region. Prof. Santos traced these languages back to Sanskrit and Dravida, establishing an ineluctable connection with the East Indies, the true site of Atlantis.
His Internet Site on Atlantis, the one you are visiting now, has received over 2.5 million visits in the last few years, is by far the most popular page in that medium.
Prof. Arysio Santos passed away in 2005, just two months after the release of his book Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found and his understudy Frank Joseph Hoff and grandson Phillip Santos are still sharing Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos revolutionary work!