From time to time, when humans experience a massive spiritual upgrade with its associated spiritual detoxification, I’ve noticed a need for increased minerals. Given the deficiency of adequate minerals in even organic whole food diets, Sensitive Souls particularly need extra minerals.
Watch this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest video as we delve into this mineral mystery, what you can do about it, and how to “download” the frequencies of the minerals you may need to function optimally!
Monday, October 1st, 2022 | 12 PM Noon Eastern
Join me and my Asian Medicine Specialist colleague, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, as we delve into using LifeWave phototherapy patches with Chinese Medicine principles to optimize self-healing. Whether you are dealing with excess weight, fatigue, insomnia, inflammation, pain, or low mood (to name a few), tune in and ask a question LIVE on the show! Dr. Dennis will create a personalized patching protocol for your symptoms.
To get first dibs on submitting a question, post your questions on the event page on Facebook or in my private Light Medicine Community. I will read these questions first. You can also call live at 818-514-1190 and press “1” to raise your hand.
"Bare feet are best" on the earth to receive the wonderful healing electrons and neutralize electromagnetic toxicity. But when that isn't practical, grounding shoes may be the answer. Tune in to hear about Dr. Karen's experience with Harmony 783 Ground Shoes!
September's Event Registration is OPEN!
TOLPAKAN™ Mini-Healings
Tuesday, September 6th
11:00 AM Eastern
Health Freedom Tribe
The Health Freedom Tribe's *Official Launch* begins October 1st thru October 31st, 2022! Save 65% on Membership, which includes WEEKLY Zoom Chats with Dr. Karen + Members and a SAFE Judgment-Free Zone!
Empaths, Sensitives, & Intuitives Summit 2022 hosted by The Shift Network starts October 17th!
Keep your eyes peeled on your inbox for this special invitation! I’ll be speaking about the 5 Healing Types! Link coming soon!