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Spiritual Medicine Digest: Exhale of the Infiniverse

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Exhale of the Infiniverse

I have always understood that things in nature occur in cycles, even the Universe is supposed to expand and contract. Since I began tracking the Ascension Process, aka Expansion Process, I thought the Universe would continue expanding, well beyond my lifetime and the Inhalation of the Infiniverse would continue…

But, I recently I received a message from Source – we have begun the exhale, the contraction, and the involution. That can sound scary to picture everything coming back to the unity of nothing – that all of Creation ceases to exist in manifest form. Can this really be true?

Watch this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest as we explore these possibilities and experience a TOLPAKAN™ Healing Activation to heal from one of humanity’s greatest fears!

How to Attract Deep Soulful Love Into your Life with Ingrid & Hamilton Sage

Monday, October 10th, 2022 | 12 PM Noon EDT 

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to meet the love of your life? Have you had relationships that seemed great in the beginning but always seemed to fizzle out? Maybe you have tried to manifest love with vision boards, affirmations, and visualization, but to no avail. Perhaps you are in a relationship now, but you’re yearning for a deeper connection. If you can relate to any of these questions, this is the conversation for you.

Ingrid and Hamilton Sage are a married Twin Flame couple who are passionate about helping people manifest deep soulful love in their lives. They are award-winning spoken word poets and actors who share love and relationship advice and uplifting content on social media, YouTube, and private coaching sessions and courses.

Join us Monday LIVE on Light Warrior Radio as we delve into:

  • What is a twin flame?
  • How can I attract my twin flame?
  • What’s the difference between a twin flame and a soul mate?
  • …and more!

Not a member of the Light Medicine™ Community?

Supercharge Your Healing Abilities

AWAKEN - ALIGN - ACTIVATE Supercharge Your Healing Abilities with Marcus Bird is happening Friday, October 14th at 5 PM Eastern. Register Today!

Health Freedom Tribe

The Health Freedom Tribe's *Official Launch* is in full swing and officially ends on October 31st, 2022! Join the Private Group now and attend Wednesday's Zoom Chat! Don't miss out on the Limited-Time *Special Launch Price*

Health Freedom

A NEW YouTube Mini-Series has started. Check out the Health Freedom Myths & Misconceptions playlist!

Watch the entire HFMM Playlist now!

Softstar Shoes

Check out the latest episode in the Healthy Habits - Healthy Life YouTube Mini-Series! This week Dr. Karen talks about some of her favorite shoes, Softstar Shoes.

Upcoming Summit

Empaths, Sensitives, & Intuitives Summit 2022 hosted by The Shift Network starts October 17th! I’ll be speaking about the 5 Healing Types....Be sure to register now so you don't miss out!

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