Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan
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Spiritual Medicine Digest: Integrate the Shadow

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Integrate the Shadow

A quote from my dad: “With real power, Karen could be big in history. She would crush her opponents into submission. She is a Chin Emperor, a Hitler, and a Stalin.”

Why am I quoting my dad in his frustration with my disobedience to governmental mandates? Because there is so much richness in the experience. Let me explain…

We become whole when we fully acknowledge and appreciate our shadow side and can fully integrate it into ourselves. That means the so-called good, bad, and ugly parts of ourselves. Since we are all ONE being anyway, the darkness you see “out there” is the darkness that we can all heal and integrate into our wholeness.

Watch this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest as I discuss this. Feel free to receive the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Activation that helps you release resistance to fully acknowledging, loving, healing, and integrating your Shadow.

Light Warrior Radio

Monday, January 16th | 12 PM Eastern

The foot is your foundation. We take our feet for granted, day in and day out (unless they hurt for whatever reason). But did you know that the foot is a complex structure developed by fascia (connective tissue), composed of 33 joints, 26 bones, and more than 100 ligaments? Did you know that it is much more than a mechanical structure?

Yes! It is a powerful sensory structure. And why is that important? 

It communicates to the brain and the rest of your body as a sensory structure. So if you have any leg pain, back pain, hip pain, or even neck pain, you may wish to explore how healthy and balanced your feet are.

Monday’s Light Warrior Radio guest, Dr. Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist, Human Movement Specialist, and author of Barefoot Strong, will explore how the foot is the gateway into our nervous system.

Listen in on this show if you’d like to find out:

    • The importance of muscle tuning (and why miscounting the number of stairs you’re stepping down on may injure you)

    • Mechanoreceptors in your hands and feet and what that has to do with movement

    • Naboso® Insoles with their tiny pyramids help achieve better nervous system communication
    • The fascial web with its 1 million nerves and the three keys to fascial health 
    • Supplements for foot health…and more!

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13-Chakra Activation Bracelet

PRE-ORDER ENDS SUNDAY 1/15 at 11:55 PM Eastern! Don’t miss pre-ordering the *LIMITED* Handmade 13-Chakra Activation Bracelet + Invitation Only LIVE Zoom Activation Ceremony – TBD in May!

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